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(RFQ) 693JF444084-RFQ1

PROJECT:          Log Loaders for Newport International Terminal, 2025

 ADDRESS:          Newport International Terminal (NIT)

                             1610 SE Bay BLVD

                             Newport, OR 97365


BID DUE:            March 7, 2025 3:00 PM


Proposals on this project will be accepted via email to

Point of Contact:         Port of Newport, Aaron Bretz                             Phone:  (541) 406-0217

                                    600 SE Bay Boulevard                                       Fax:     (541) 265-4235

                                    Newport, OR    97365                                      Email:                  

QUESTIONS TO:       Aaron Bretz  541-406-0217


1.       Summary: The Port of Newport is accepting quotes to provide goods in the form of two Build America Buy America (BABA) Act compliant loaders that meet the specifications attached. This RFQ is under legal review and subject to amendments that will be posted on OregonBuys.

a.       Offeror: A person who submits an offer

b.       Request for Quotes: a written request for prices, rates, or other conditions under which a potential contractor would provide supplies and services described in the request

c.       Bid Documents: This RFQ and all documents attached, including any addendums issued; all information contained in the bid documents is required to be provided by the offeror prior to the due date and time above to be deemed responsive

d.       Request for information: Requests or questions regarding the bid documents and the bidding process submitted by an offeror; requests for information shall be submitted in writing (by email) to the point of contact prior to February 21, 2025 at 4:00 PM. Questions and answers will be posted as addendums to this RFQ and information contained therein shall be part of the “bid documents.”

  1. Bid Breakdown:  Please provide an itemized quote that clearly identifies and defines the base model machine, and specifies the cost of any added options. Bidders may include all options necessary to conform to the required specifications and those necessary to configure the machine to adequately handle, stack, and load logs. Transportation of the finished goods to the NIT shall be included as an independent line item. Any setup cost for the equipment necessary to make it operational shall be included as an independent line item. Bid shall include orientation for Port operators of the equipment. The loaders shall conform to the attach BABA Act criteria, and bidders shall include a certification to that effect dated after 01JAN2025 using the guidance and template attached.


Bids are required to identify a point of contact on behalf of the offeror. Prices quoted shall be accurate through 01JUL2025. Estimated date of delivery to the Port is required as part of the quote.

  1. Proposal Selection:  The Executive Director of the Port of Newport or appointed contact will evaluate each submitted quote/proposal and report to the Port Commission with a recommendation if required.  If required, the Port Commission shall make the final selection and reserves the right to reject any quote/proposal not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements and may reject for good cause any or all proposals upon finding that it is in the public interest to do so. The Port will analyze information provided by all offerors.  The successful offeror will be selected on the basis of the following:
    1. Responsiveness to specifications and required information by a responsible bidder. Required information is specified by the “bid documents.”
    2. Costs
    3. Timeliness of the delivery of all goods


  1. Drawings and Specifications:   If applicable, offeror is provided with documents, which are thought to be necessary in preparing a proposal.  Offeror is responsible for requesting any other documents/drawings from this RFQ or from references in the scope of work that would be necessary to prepare a complete proposal.


5.       Nondiscrimination:  The Port of Newport is an equal opportunity employer and provider and requires all Proposers to comply with policies and regulations concerning equal opportunity.  The Proposer, in the performance of this Agreement, agrees not to discriminate in its employment because of an employee’s or applicant’s race, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, age, or physical handicap.


Compliance: All goods provided in response to this RFQ shall be BABA compliant. Offerors are responsible to understand and submit quotes that conform to the BABA criteria. Offerors shall submit a certification to that effect using the guidance and template attached. Those who fail to submit the BABA certification prior to the bid due date as part of their submittal and/or those whose product fails to conform to the BABA criteria shall be deemed unresponsive to the RFQ.

Port of Newport Log Loader SPECS.docxSample BABA certification for Manufactured Products or Steel iron products.docxM-24-02-Buy-America-Implementation-Guidance-Update.pdfAppendix I to M-24-02--Sample BABA Award Term.pdf